Spuzzum First Nation CCP
October 29, 2019Kitselas Subdivision, Development, Servicing Law
May 1, 2020The Project
Meraki has been working with Kitselas First Nation for the past few years on various planning and development projects. The KFN Chief and Council wanted to explore childcare needs including program goals and the potential to relocate an existing daycare and Head Start program to an alternative location in order to better serve members. Meraki is leading this project with support from Kitselas staff. We developed a communications and engagement strategy that follows best practices and IAP2 principles. Both digital and in-person engagement techniques were used including an interactive session with young families and caregivers. A final report based on community input and technical expertise provided recommendations to Chief and Council. The report provides guidance for subsequent decisions, including the potential design, implementation and evaluation of daycare related projects and programs that support community well-being and priorities.