Cache Creek Age-Friendly Assessment and Action Plan

Kamloops Cannabis Production Regulations
January 24, 2018
Kitselas First Nation CCP Communications and Engagement Strategy
April 26, 2018
Kamloops Cannabis Production Regulations
January 24, 2018
Kitselas First Nation CCP Communications and Engagement Strategy
April 26, 2018

The Project

Development and execution of a three phase communications and engagement strategy for the Village’s first Age-Friendly planning process which resulted in the development of an Age-Friendly Action Plan.

We employed a 'go to the people' approach to reach as many seniors in the community as possible.  Engagement included a seniors survey (with a 25% response rate), seniors service provider survey, social gathering/input session and an open house to unveil the draft plan.  The Plan was adopted by Mayor and Council in March of 2018 and implementation is already underway.